A couple of weeks ago, while I had the car on a lift to do an oil change and look things over, I noticed that my number five spark plug wasn't seated as far into the head as the others. Shure enough, the plug threads showed evidence that it was cross-threaded. So, I ordered a 14mm spark plug thread chaser and coated it in grease before threading it in to repair the threads. A new spark plug threaded in cleanly with a little anti-seize on the threads and all is good.
I also bought a new GoPro Hero 11 Black camera and a different rollbar mount and wanted to try it out. The new camera has a feature that locks the horizon and does a brilliant job at stabilizing the video. What I didn't expect was the rattling sound that the camera picks up on rough roads. I suspect this is likely coming from the trunk aluminum since I never used any of the sound dampening material on those panels. Here is a video using the new camera.
Also, for anyone that still believes that stacks aren't "drivable" at low speed/RPM situations, this video should dispel that. For a good portion of this clip, I'm puttering along in 4th gear at 35-40 mph.
Last edited by Papa; 10-23-2022 at 02:32 PM.
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