So I'm still in stage 1 with engine (blueprint 306 installed) I'm mounting the grill (yes i ordered it separate so I can go kart) What is supposed to be the height off ground for the assembly? I dont want to have to move it around much and then drain and refit hoses............I'll be running fenders so bottom hole on chassis. Right now I have the brackets bottomed out on the chassis bolts but I'm not sure if that is close near or far...............My brackets that mount to the chassis are slotted if that makes any difference. I realize there will be some flex to hoses and once this is all done I'm going to get solid one piece set up for the hoses but right now I'm itching to get it close and go Kart. So any help/ advice/ for height off ground for the grill would be great. If this has been answered I'm a dummy and cant find it..........................