I’ve been lurking on this forum and others for many years while dreaming of building a roadster of my own. Lack of time and money and other life circumstances made it always “something for the future”. However, with the fortune of enough of the latter and the desire to have the build experience while my kids are still in the house, I decided to pull the trigger on ordering a kit this past summer, fortunately with the full blessing from the better half.

I started by attending the build school last July and highly recommend it for the confidence boost, helpful hints, and a general good time. I’m far from a professional mechanic, but have an engineering background and a DIY attitude, so I’m looking forward to tackling this project. I’m expecting the build experience to be just as enjoyable (if not more so) than driving the finished product.

I placed my kit order in August and took delivery just after Thanksgiving, giving me plenty of nesting time to get the garage cleaned out and sorted. It's amazing how many "I'll never know when I'll need this..." items are never ever needed.

I ordered the MKIV complete kit with the following options:
  • IRS
  • Power Steering
  • Powder Coated Frame
  • Hydraulic Clutch
  • GPS Gauges
  • Halibrand 17” Wheels

My plan is to get much of the kit build complete before ordering the engine. I’m currently thinking a blueprint 347 EFI with TKX and targeting this summer for that order, but may change my source. As expressed in my title I’m planning on taking my time with the build, but hoping to keep a steady pace around all of life’s other commitments.

I tend to overthink and plan things, so I’ll have to get out of my own way at times. A current example of this is deciding how I with to prep my aluminum panels. I had thought I’d get them powder coated or possibly clear anodized, but now considering the Sharkhide method I’ve seen posted a number of times here. I’d be happy to hear anyone else’s thoughts on what they’ve done and liked. I know it matters little in the long run, but want to make the decisions that I’ll be happy with long term.

Documentation (even in my day job) has never been my strong suit (hence taking nearly 2 months to start this thread), but I’m hoping to hold myself accountable to documenting this build and look forward to making some connections here as well.

Thank you to everyone that I’ve read and learned from in the past and I’m hoping I can make some contributions to future builders as well by sharing my experiences.