Hi Everyone!!! Well i am finally getting to the paint part. Have been doing the body work now for what seems like ages. But really happy with how it has been turning out.

So after a few coats of polyester build primer and block sanding from 220 to 600. I am about to seal it with Epoxy Primer one coat.

I am painting the white strips first with Wimbledon White. I'm figuring 2 coats on the strips, tail and all the meatballs should be enough.

How long do i have to wait to apply the tape to designate all stripes, Meatballs? Don't want to do it too soon with concern of pulling the tape and white paint comes off.

After the taping i will apply the Guardsman Blue. How many coats does it usually take to cover the access white? I am thinking 2-3.

After that, how long should i wait before removing all of the tape to begin spraying the clear. I'm thinking 4 coats of clear to be able to cut and polish.

So i am thinking 2 quarts of Wimbledon White, 1 gallon of Guardsman Blue, and 1 gallon of clear should be enough.

Really appreciate everyone's help