OK, here's the final prep.... Part 2 of 2 of the Bedside Rails and Stakes.

The first couple of pics show the general layout of the rails and all clamped in place so I can now drill the holes to fasten them all together. I'll use ss screws, nuts and washers. I'll also put a washer between the rail and the stake to allow a some air gap to help prevent and moisture being trapped between the wood.

In the next pic below, you can see how the FFR Bed side Stake Pockets will cover the wood stakes. With all this mockup, it will allow me to epoxy the Stake Pockets in place on the Bed Side for final bodywork and paint.

To hold the stakes in place, I'll drill 2 holes into the stake from the inside bed side. On the backside of the stake, I'll counter sink a T-nut. I'll show details later once I'm finished the mockup.
