I'm going to tie up my two other posts to culminate here. For reference:

If you want the short version to catch up, my immobilizer (2006 WRX) is NFG. I've called my local Subaru dealership and asked for help, but I guess they're pretty busy and haven't gotten back to me yet. If they say they can swap me in an immobilizer and hook me up with some keys, I'm going to seriously consider towing it there because I've just got too....many....projects.

In the meantime, I'm working on a backup plan...finding an 04 FXT and matching up the pins where they belong. If I get frustrated with this exercise AND the dealership takes a pass on helping me (or just wants more $$ than I'm willing to pay) I'll go with a standalone. Either way, ONE of these last two options is certainly going to be in my future, because I'm really not cool with an immobilizer that I have no control over killing my car. Truth be told, I'd probably just get a standalone right now if it didn't seem like an even BIGGER project to right (and didn't cost $1500...but I'm pretty sure I'll end up spending that eventually).

So, my goal for this thread is finish a mapping from the one to the other, and ask for some help along the way. I've already gone through the WRX ECU and I'm looking things up right now for the Forester.

First question...
Cruise control set indicator light. This is from B135pin3 on the WRX, and I can only find this for the FXT in Combination meter, METER-03, B16. Turbo comes from ECM, but I can't find a connector or pin.
cruise set indicator light.PNG
In this context, "B15" seems to be pin 15 on connector i10 (tot he combo meter). I can't find the destination to the ECU in combination meter, cruise control, or engine electrical. Any tips or ideas?