Well, so far this has been one of my bigger 'oh crap' moments.

I got the heater installed, it went great, no surprises (which is amazing) and I was very pleased with the end result. Stepped back to admire a job well done...and noticed a big oopsie. Apparently the heater core inside the firewall installs at an angle which kicks the back end of it up quite a bit. Somehow I missed this when I located my template and tried to hold the parts up to make sure of my location. Because the long copper pipes stick out so far I wasn't able to actually arrange the core against the firewall. It would fit great in this location except for that angle. The result is it sticks up about 5/8" (see pic). My gut tells me this is too much, but I'm hoping against hope that with the bulb seal on the firewall maybe it still clears??? If not it's not the end of the world. I can move it over an inch and only have a couple of small unused holes in the firewall to show for it. I'm sure I can make it look good or use them for something...

What I'm really wanting is someone to tell me it's going to be fine, but know that's probably wishful thinking.

