During the second go cart drive of my Roadster yesterday I bedded the brakes, cooled them, then hit them pretty hard to test front to rear proportioning. This car stops really fast. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the oil pressure gauge and sure enough, during heavy braking, the oil pressure dips. It didn’t drop to zero and returned to 60+psi quickly so I don’t think I did any damage. But, Clearly my baffle and a 4 quart pan (5 system) is not enough. The pan is a Dorman 264-022 factory Mustang replacement with dual sump. I am using a Melling M-68 standard pump and rear sump pickup with a welded-in baffle forward of the sump. Perhaps not enough oil is under the baffle when I slam on the brakes?
I’m looking at oil pans for the Ford 302/347 with a higher capacity—-I’ve found:
Kevko F901 rear sump-7qt pan
Has anyone used this pan? Comments?
Are there other pans I should consider?
I’m trying to stay away from 2 drain plugs.
BTW I welded in the baffle and I was watching the oil pressure since Jeff at Texas Engine Machine had warned me and a few of you had questioned my pan choice. I was listening. Now I’ll suck it up and spend some money.