What is this?

A map where you can find other 33 owners and add yourself if you're an owner.

Use it to find similar-minded folks close to you or perhaps local to a city you are visiting.


Some history:

A long, long time ago (prior to 2011), a few kind folks created a Google map. There was a thread where you could post your details and the map would be updated for you, but as you can imagine, this was slow and sporadic given that it was a volunteer effort.

At some point during 2021, Google shut down that old map. Everything was lost. No one knows why Google did it, but after a few years without one we all miss it, so we created a new one. This time the data is all backed up weekly, and the map is now self-service.

Where's the new map?

Right here: Factory Five Owners

If you have a Google account, you should have permission to add your location and details on your car - and later edit your data. Here are some instructions on how to do this.

If you don't have a Google account, just post into this thread below and someone will help you out.

You are on your honor!

You all have access to add/edit/delete anything on the map, but we're all friends here, right?

Obviously, this is not without risk, so you're all on your honor to treat this with respect. I'll be backing up the data regularly, and I still have enough faith in humanity that everyone will do the right thing.

So, go for it! Let's see how well this works!

P.S. If any volunteers want to help out, feel free to visit the old thread (see above) and start adding people into the new map. I recommend starting at the end of the thread and work backwards, since the most recent entries are likely the most relevant.