
Shot in the dark here but you never know….

A house guest seems to have over-turned my 1/4 turn gas valve for the gas fireplace and the result is a very, very low flame. The key will turn at least a full rotation to the left. It almost feels as if you keep turning it, something will screw apart inside. Fortunately, It does close fully when turned to the right.

When I opened the wall I was surprised to see – actually, considering these shoddy homes NOT surprised to see - that it’s impossible to spin off the T-valve because it will hit the backside of the wall which is board & exterior stucco.

Any chance at all the inside part comes out and you can screw in a repair kit? I am afraid to take it apart because of course I don’t want to risk not being able to close it off. No luck searching YouTube.

Otherwise, I have no idea how to repair this.