Question for the experts... Mk IV, complete Wilwood system, 2x.75" MC, one front one rear, wilwood disks & calipers front and rear.

My brakes have always been soft and go almost to the floor with weak stopping power (in the 100 miles on the car thus far). I've never been able to get them to lock up, front or rear, regardless of how much pressure. I've followed the Wilwood video bleeding guidance, bled front/rear simultaneously right side first, then left. I've trimmed and adjusted the MC pushrods. I've learned the hard way to ensure the pushrods are adjusted ensuring the brake pedal lever isn't touching the crossbar in the footbox. The gap between the clevis and the pivot is .22" per the wilwood guidance. I've adjusted the balance bar, centered, biased toward the front and bias toward the rear. My fluid reservoirs are on the frame in front of the DS footbox, and slightly above the MC height. I've pressure bled each system (front & rear) numerous times with no air bubbles coming out of the system. There are no leaks anywhere in the system. The brake pads are well seated, sitting true on the disks. The common thing I've found is that when I press the brake pedal, the rear MC travels much further than the front MC regardless of how I've adjusted the bias bar. I fear that something is wrong with the front MC. It doesn't travel very far compared to the rear MC. The difference is over 1" difference in movement, regardless of how I have the bias set up.

I'd appreciate any guidance and help. I know there have been reported problems with the wilwood MC's, even when brand new, I also understand some have swapped to Tilton 75 MC's. I'm trying to troubleshoot the cause before I decide what's next. The body is on so pulling either or both MC is going to be a pain, but I'm hoping there is something I've missed.