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Thread: Orlando FL registration

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  1. #27
    cv2065's Avatar
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    Dec 2017
    Orlando, FL
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    Quote Originally Posted by mburger View Post
    I think you simply lucked out and this is not a, "process or template" for all to follow. The key to your success was, "she just gave up and said I'll just use Cobra."
    99 times out of 100, you are not going to get someone to just say, well I can't find Factory Five Racing anywhere in here so I'll just call it a Cobra.
    I can't get my head around TL-48 page 3. Top of the page with the heading special instructions.
    A. Replicas are not assembled from a kit and must not be titled in the regional office.
    B. Replica vehicles are completely new vehicles, manufactured to look like old vehicles. Replica vehicle vehicles are sometimes referred to as reproductions.
    C. The manufacturer of the replica vehicle must be registered with the national highway traffic safety administration.

    My personal opinion, this is a replica built from a kit. It says kit all over the COO. This is not a reproduction vehicle.
    it's also not a 1965 anything.
    I know this is an unpopular Opinion and I completely understand why many people want it titled as a 1965 cobra. I just think if suddenly a half dozen people show up at that office and get the same person she's going to get caught. I said caught because she is going against what is clearly laid out on page 3.
    As it is, cops see a Montana plate tooling around Florida, (for those that chose that route) and they will pull you over. "They're hip to that jive." lol I Think the same can happen here. I hope that is not the case. I'm glad it worked for you and I hope it works for everyone else who tries. I just think this is more of the Luck Of The Draw at the counter and the odds are similar to picking the big jackpot scratch off.
    The entire DMV is a big jackpot scratch off in my opinion. My first car was initially registered as a red Factory Trailer after all. My COO did NOT say kit anywhere on it but it DID say 1965 Replica. The only place that said kit was the FFR receipt and that was at one spot on the top page. Regarding the first few lines of the TL-48, you could say the same about Superformance and Backdraft cars. They are assembled from multiple parts, different manufacturers and have their own frames, same as FFR, but I have a friend where his title says 1965 Cobra Replica, same as mine. Only difference there is that you have to buy the rolling chassis through a dealer.
    Last edited by cv2065; 02-10-2025 at 12:01 PM.
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