Howdy Folks,
I知 in the process of fitting my Mk3 body and am looking for input on how to best work out the trunk lid alignment. At this stage the windshield, doors and rollbars are fitted.

The main alignment issue is where the rear/bottom of the lids meets up with the body. It is about ⅜ inch off without the bulb seal behind it. It seems the bottom of the trunk needs to be forced outward or the body needs to be pulled in.

In order to pull in the body I would need to remove about ス to セ from the aft portion of the trunk floor. Perhaps a bit on the sides too. My thought is then the quickjack hardware and trunk latch sleeve could be used to draw the body forward. I知 not sure I can safely get that much movement out of the body.

Note that the rear corner of the rear aluminum piece does not sit flush with the セ tube that runs across the car. That is probably the ス to セ difference I am looking for. I only recently noticed this.

Trunk Lid PS.jpgTrunk Lid DS.jpgTrunk Lid DS 2.jpgTrunk Lid Aft.jpg

Rear Trunk Alum gap.jpg