Okay, let me start with I am absolutely livid about what just transpired between me and some rep from Fraser--didn't catch his name. So, please bear with me if there are grammatical errors or typos.

I've been working on my build for over a year now, and have been planning to put a coyote from Fraser in it for quite some time. A few months ago, I call Fraser, talk to someone in Sales, tell them what I'm building and planning, and asked about the availability of a 2017 Gen 2 Coyote (EV6 injectors and late-model coils) because Holley was running a sale on the Terminator X and I wanted to verify availability before I sprung for it. The guy I talked to said it would be no problem, and the Coyotes are widely available. I said okay, I'll get the kit, and call you guys when I'm ready to buy an engine. So yeah, I bought the Terminator in reliance on their representation of availability.

Over the weekend, I submitted for a quote, and got it back. Today, I call Fraser to buy it, a fella answered and I got transferred to John in sales to handle. John was pleasant enough, though I knew the guy is super busy because he asked to call me back so he could finish up a couple other orders that were ahead of me. Cool, no problem. 10 minutes later, he calls me back, asks me how close I am to Carrollton, TX because I have the same area code. Then we quickly turned to the business, he gets the details of what I'm needing and tells me it may be problematic to get a 2017 Gen2 Coyote, and he'd need to make some inquiries and give me a call back.

About 40 minutes later, I started wondering if he forgot about me or lost my number, so I call back to sales. The same first guy answered the phone, and tells me John is now buried up in work, but he'd let him know I'd still like a call back. A few minutes later, I get a call from some other guy who said John asked him to call me because John is too busy. Fine with me, but things quickly went south.

I tell him the same thing as the others and my quote request: 2017 Gen2 for EV6 injectors and late model coils. He asks me for a VIN, and I explain to him (as I did to the others I spoke with) that there is no VIN because it's a FFR kit and I haven't registered it yet. As I'm trying to explain this to him, he continually interrupts me and never listened to a damn word I said. Then he drops the nugget on me that there's no warranty included with an engine that's for a swap. I responded with the fact that this isn't a swap, it's a new construction custom vehicle.

He tells me, "well, I need a VIN to order an engine." I say, "I can give you the number on the frame with will be the VIN when I eventually register it." He says okay, so I start reading it off to him and he again interrupts me, "no VIN starts with a F." I again explain, this is the number that will become my VIN because this is a kit car and has never been registered. Then we go back and forth about VINs and he finally says he needs a VIN so he can find the part number, and has the audacity to ask me, "so what part number am I ordering?"--as if it wasn't his damned job to figure that out.

Then he goes on some diatribe about selling 15 of these motors in the last week and no-one else had trouble giving him a VIN, to which I responded, "and all of those guys had a Mustang, didn't they?" What an ***.

So I pull up a random 2017 Mustang GT for sale online and say, "okay, I have a VIN for you." So I start reading it off, and he again interrupts me to clarify that this wasn't the VIN for my car, which it clearly wasn't if he had paid even a lick of attention to the rest of the conversation. Then he starts chewing me out saying it is illegal to give him a VIN I don't own and asking for my name... So, thinking to myself, "I'm done with this jackass," I hang up on him and proceed to start looking for another company to do business with, when he calls me back. He tells me my name, without pronouncing it correctly, and tells me he is reporting me to stolen cars bureau or whatever the hell he said. I told him to go right ahead and began to try and explain that he said he just needed a part number, and he could find it with the VIN. But, I didn't get the chance to say anything before he hung up on me. Then I try to call back, he answers the phone and still wouldn't let me get two words out before telling me he doesn't want to talk to me and, again, that he's reporting me and then hang up on me.

This guy was the most condescending ***** I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with in any business transaction. I don't know what experiences any of you have had with that company, but I will NEVER do business with them.

If any of you know Ken Fraser or any management at their corporate level, or even at the Carrollton branch itself, please pass along this information to them about their Carrollton branch. I really hope the calls are recorded and someone can deal with this asshat appropriately. I wanted to write this up as soon as it happened so everything was still fresh. I may have gotten some of the quotes slightly incorrect--but now is the best memory of it that I'll ever have.

Also, anyone have any recommendations on who else to buy a remanufactured engine from?