I just returned home from NorCal on Sunday afternoon after participating in the Wine Country Cobra Club, 4th of July cruise (also known as the Second Occasional Un-Event). We had 12 cars plus a support vehicle … and a whole lot of really great people. The event was kicked off with a BBQ at Rick and Dian Anderson’s shop. The 4 days kind of blurred together with roughly 650 miles of cruising. Activities included participating in a 4th of July parade in Calistoga, CA, driving the “Avenue of the Giants” redwood forest, and driving through the “Drive Through Tree.” The manager of the “Drive Through Tree” loves his job, because in his words, “Car shows come to me.” He stated that our group was the best “car show” he had seen! Lunches were “al fresco” as the support vehicle had numerous coolers with water, sodas, beer, sandwich fixings, fruit, cookies … pretty much everything but the kitchen sink! Driving down the California coastline on Rte 1 was just incredible. Twisty roads and stunning scenery made for a wonderful drive. At Fort Bragg, we boarded the Skunk Train for a ride through a Redwood forest and ended up at a mountain camp, where dinner was served, picnic style. The Point Arena lighthouse was a very popular stop as we had the opportunity for a guided tour of the lighthouse, including climbing the 145 steps to the top of the lighthouse. Whole lot of huffing and puffing but everyone survived the climb. Driving the Golden Gate Bridge was quite an experience as the area was blanketed with traditional San Francisco fog. Once in the city, we took the scenic cruise down famous Lombard Street, the twistiest street in the US. Upon departing San Francisco, we headed north to the Napa Valley for a great tour, wine tasting and lunch at the Trinchero Winery. The afternoon was spent at the home of Tom and Carolyn Coon, just unwinding after 4 days of cruising. Farewell dinner was at the Bear Republic Brewing Company in Healdsburg, CA.
A huge “Thank You” to Rick and Diane Anderson and Karen Salvaggio, who organized this “un-event.” The cruise was a tremendous success with great camaraderie shared with old and new friends. Here are a few pics … ok, a LOT of pics.
