It's been a while since I've posted much to do about anything, lost the lease on my bodyshop business, for the first time in my 49 years, I'm soon to be unemployed (no, I will not collect, even if I could) . Scary thought in this economy, but as I have never been in this position, I'm positive that I will find something else to do so I can continue to provide for my family. Employees have alll been placed elsewhere (I worked for two weeks getting them interviews for when we finally shut down last Friday). I had given them a few warnings that it could happen, so they were semi prepared. Still searching for a new location (have been for 4 months), but have nowhere to store my stuff, so it all goes this Saturday at the absolute auction I set up. Know anyone looking for shop equipment and tools, send them to the link below.

Auction information can be found by CLICKING HERE

Tell everyone you know, the more people that show up and bid, the better.


Bill S.