First part of the added rear-firewall I’m working on is a piece of .090 Al with insulation on the inside riveted to the frame behind the fuel tank.

With the clearance issues between the rear wheels and the GodSpeed trailing arms I had bought a set of 8mm spacers. They gave good clearance, but the studs were not long enough to get good engagement with the lugs (1-2 threads max). I found a set of 40mm studs on ebay that seemed to fit the bill (didn’t want to go with a crazy long set of 3” ARPs). After cutting out the wheel speed sensor ring (not going to need it since I’m not planning to run traction control) there was enough clearance to push out the old studs and insert the new ones without disassembling the hub. There were also 50mm length studs available that may have been installable the same way, but these were ‘easy’ and the 40mm length is good enough for now.

I’m travelling next week (business); but after that I should be home with a bit of comp time and hopefully FIL will have been able to finish the motor refresh so we can try to make some real progress