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Thread: Want to build a 33 Ford

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Want to build a 33 Ford

    Hello all, I have the bug to build a 33. First I must say that I finished a beautiful FF Roadster and I am bored. I love the 33 car and would like to start the process to build my 2nd dream car. I have several questions. I will try and keep them short and to the point.

    1. How does the build compare to the Roadster?

    2. How complicated is the build?

    3. What 3 pieces of advice would you give me?


    Thank you all in advance for your feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    1- it's a little more difficult than the Roadster but since you made through on of those you should have no problem with a 33
    2- chassis is a piece of cake, body is more involved, especially if going full fendered or going for the coupe option
    3-1 dry fit it together at least a few times
    2- enjoy the process, don't stress about getting it done TOMORROW
    3- keep detailed records, definitly helps when getting the car registered

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