It has been almost 10 days since we all said goodbye to the 2016 TCC Spring Meet. After 17th glorious attempts, I have to say that I think we have finally gotten right. For those who attended, I want to say thank you for making this event one of our biggest and best Spring Meets ever. For those of you who could not join, "YOU MISSED A BIG OL' TEXAS SIZE HELLUVA PARTY!"

We had over 130 cars and about 250 folks attending the, now 4 day, event. Thousands of miles and hundreds of hours were logged cruising the TX Hill Country. Mother Nature did her part to freshen up the roadside tapestry of color. Sure it rained a little but who cared. Tito's vodka was flowing in the parking lot and there were enough car covers to go around.

We had cars from nearly 15 different states. Even a couple of guys from Wareham, MA came down for a visit.

We elected Steve Klestinec as the 2016 TCC President and Judy Poole was appointed Ms. TCC. Through a couple of fund-raising activities we were able to give the Teenage Auto Builder Assoc of TX $550.00 and a check of $2000 will be given to the Ohio Cobra Club for next years raffle car purchase. Thank you for you big hearts but even deeper pockets.

I want to thank members of the Austin Cobra Club for their assistance and hard work in putting this event together. Again, Laura Klestinec did a wonderful job as our registration hostess. Her smile never goes away. Aaron has a nice smile too!

Glenn Reilly shot a short video with his new drone on Saturday morning before everyone headed out on their cruises. I edited it down and posted it on Youtube.

Steve Klestinec, Eric Lyzcak, Skip Snowden, Gregg Herdlitchka, Glenn Reilly, Rich Bassimer, and Tom Harrison all contributed to the success of the event. If I left anyone off the list I apologize in advanced. But I imagine I will be corrected shortly.

Kit Car Builder Magazine will be publishing an article of our event, complete with photos, stories, and links to youtube videos in the up coming weeks. Thanks to John Shelton and Doug Pawlak (Cafe Photos) for your contributions to the article.

Thanks again to everyone who attended! It was a blast. We will do it again next year. The 2017 Spring Meet is slated for March 29-April 2 at the same hotel. Registration and hotel information will be coming in September.