Now that I've had the body on, and off, I need to trim the trunk side panels and the lower rear edge of the trunk floor. I figure I'll need to trim up to 1/4 inch or so in the majority of places, and at least 1/8 inch others. Since the panels are already installed on the car, what is the best method to trim those aluminum panels?
The four methods I've used in bare, uninstalled aluminum, so far are a saber saw, hand saw, sanding drum, and shears (then a file for most cuts). (I've used a band saw a lot, but that's obviously out of the question.) All four have big disadvantages and limitations on the installed panels.
So, how do you all trim those panels?
Also, what is the consensus on how much of a gap to leave between the aluminum edge and the body mold line? (for the bulb seal)