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Thread: "Legality Windshield"?

  1. #1
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    "Legality Windshield"?

    Hey Guys. It appears that the highway patrol in Washington state will require a windshield for a car to be street legal. I don't really WANT a windshield on my 818r, so I had a thought. (And then checked the assembly manual). It appears that the windshield is mounted using 2 bolts per side. Would it be possible to mount it via some sort of quick release, and just take it off at the track?

    Am I thinking crazy thoughts again?

  2. #2
    Senior Member flynntuna's Avatar
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    Not crazy, just out of the box. Fabricating some sort of slot for the windshield to slide in and be clamped down some how seems possible.

  3. #3
    Sgt.Gator's Avatar
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    frank it depends on what they define a windshield to be. You could mount a smallish motorcycle fairing/windshield and that might meet the definition. That would be easy to remove, but you might actually like having it.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member R Thomas's Avatar
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    John George's (now Mike Forte's) Challenge Roadster has a setup like that. Saw a picture of it on John's website never got around to asking if it was custom fab. Anyway it doesn't even use bolts has a device that works like a Celco. Hopefully one of them can help you out.

  5. #5
    Sgt.Gator's Avatar
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    .... ..
    and the best example:
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by flynntuna View Post
    Not crazy, just out of the box. Fabricating some sort of slot for the windshield to slide in and be clamped down some how seems possible.
    That's my middle name! Frank "out of the box" Rizzo. :-)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt.Gator View Post
    frank it depends on what they define a windshield to be. You could mount a smallish motorcycle fairing/windshield and that might meet the definition. That would be easy to remove, but you might actually like having it.
    I had one just like that on my Ariel Atom, but I'm a tall guy, and they did NOTHING for me. I remember "measuring", and I would have needed 3 fingers more height to get ANYTHING from it. But, that's the beauty here, I could have one fabbed up to be the size that I wanted.

    On a related note, a friend had his Atom inspected by the WA Highway Patrol, and they didn't say a WORD about his windshield. That could be either because they thought it was OK, or they figured there was enough other stuff there that wasn't going to pass, that the windshield was the LEAST of his worries.

    (The bubbles in question)

  8. #8

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    I'm not getting gray, I'm adding chrome....

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  9. #9
    mcwho's Avatar
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    Back in the Day, there used to be a "Brooklands" sytle windshield used for racing rodsters, google it. Here is what I found:

    There was a sport car Track outside of London UK< called the Brooklands track.
    Last edited by mcwho; 07-02-2017 at 07:02 PM.
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  10. #10
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    I planned on using the Brooklands windshield behind a Lexan racing shield if the height and width of the glass met Connecticut rules.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Turboguy's Avatar
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    To me, you're WAY overthinking things here.

    Why not just run the 818 street windshield? In my opinion, the lines of the car look far better with it, than without it anyways.

    And that goes double if you're going to run a large rear wing - the car just looks "out of balance" front to rear without it.

  12. #12
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    More out of curiosity in the case of building a solution to have a removable windshield solution to get it registered in WA, would the additional requirement for windshield wipers be a temporary attachement only for registration purposes?

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