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Thread: First KIWI RHD Terminator Roadster Kit Project

  1. #1
    Junior Member BLUCOBKIWI's Avatar
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    First KIWI RHD Terminator Roadster Kit Project

    Welcome to Factory Five Builders discussions.
    I am building a FFR Roadster Right Hand Drive and using a 2004 SVT Cobra Terminator as Dona.
    BLUCOB is chassis # F5R 1009123 RD
    My kit arrived in New Zealand in late August 2017 and after a slow start is now showing some progress.
    The chassis needed a couple of mods to bring it in line with New Zealand’s Authorities the LVVTA (Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association). In reality the main objection was the method/location of seat belt mounts over the ¾” tube. They felt that the tube would not hold in an impact situation.
    I fabricated a complete structure to support the seat belt attachment just behind the roll bars (see photo’s attached) plus we needed to seam weld the floor plate to the chassis in preparation for seat mounts.
    The other mod to the chassis was to dish the chassis for the supercharger pulley.
    When we installed the engine we had to remove the oil filter housing and replaced it with a fabricated fitting for AN oil & water flow & remote oil filter. Along with this mod we also had to raise the engine by placing 3/8” spacers at the engine mounts.
    I have set up the suspension using Longacre Camber/Castor digital gauge and Longacre Quik check alignment tools really worth the expense & time getting them in from the States.
    I have just had my first preliminary certification check to establish if any further engineering needs to be carried out prior to powder coating. BLUCOB passed on all chassis mods but Bumpsteer needs some adjusting. So with my LVVTA Certifiers help & guidance I am fabricating a Bumpsteer Swing check tool to finalise suspension setup.
    Currently waiting for Wilwood Pedal box & pedals plus hydroboost & clutch setup to arrive from Mike Forte should clear customs by the end of the week.
    I have attached a series of photo’s of build to date I hope you find them interesting & helpful.
    I am aware of at least 8 Factory Five Builds on order/building or finished around the central NZ North Island. Please add a new thread for your build weather you are building a Roadster, type65, 818 or 33. We all need your Kiwi Ingenuity & knowledge so lets document it & help future builders with their projects.
    RackMount MKii Final.jpgRack_A.jpgThe big cut.jpgPulley recess for blower.jpgSeatbelt mounts.JPGIRS_MOD_02.jpgIRS all looking good.jpgEngine mount spacers.JPGStarting to look like a car.jpg
    Order Placed March '17, Delivered New Zealand July '17.
    FFR Roadster Mk4 #9123 RHD Basic Kit
    2004 SVT 4.6L Cobra Terminator, Tremec T56, 2015 IRS, 17" Halibrand with Nitto
    Flaming River RHD pwr rack, Hydroboost, ABS plus Willwood 6 pot front, 4 Pot Rear.
    Soft Top, Heater & wipers etc.
    "Don't Let the grin wear thin" Kiwi's can Fly

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  3. #2
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    I don't know if this is the right thread to ask you but I've been researching cobras in New Zealand as I plan to get one soon . Being a kiwi too I wanted to know how much was the shipping from the Factory Five plant ?.

    I've seen there are a few cobra builders who provide excellent product here in Oz and NZ so just wanted to know why you went with the FFR kit .

    Apologies if posting in the wrong thread but you post is the most recent one on the forum about any FFR in NZ .

  4. #3
    Junior Member BLUCOBKIWI's Avatar
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    Greetings Asmart4, where abouts are you located in NZ. I am based in Hamilton.
    The freight for my Kit FFR to Auckland NZ was $6800 plus the same for GST. The reason I chose FactoryFive was firstly they base their kit around Ford Mustang, their workmanship is of a high standard and the support from forum members is way ahead of any other Kit. I am aware of 5 FFR Roadsters (Cobra's) in different stages of development and we all communicate regularly about engineering problems & fixes. These are usually NZ LVVTA specific and building safer cars on the road. I have found that FFR Vendors & suppliers to be exceptionally helpful.
    I went through the same process you are going through, a journey that started in 1996 when FFR first started & I still believe they produce the best value for money anywhere. I am more that happy to discuss my build & experience if you want. PM me and I can send you a mob number or skype. Look forward to hearing from you.
    Order Placed March '17, Delivered New Zealand July '17.
    FFR Roadster Mk4 #9123 RHD Basic Kit
    2004 SVT 4.6L Cobra Terminator, Tremec T56, 2015 IRS, 17" Halibrand with Nitto
    Flaming River RHD pwr rack, Hydroboost, ABS plus Willwood 6 pot front, 4 Pot Rear.
    Soft Top, Heater & wipers etc.
    "Don't Let the grin wear thin" Kiwi's can Fly

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  6. #4
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    HI, I have just received my type 65 here in Christchurch.

    Could you tell me what you needed to do to sort your bump steer? I am just working on that issue now...


  7. #5
    Junior Member
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    @Blucobkiwi. Did you have any issues with FF IRS? Looks like a few issues getting it through compliance.

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