I wondered about this before also but in a slightly different direction to guide the patina or paint wear based on what the older cars look like in the vintage racing pictures.

I thought “hmm, is it possible to first paint or coat the body with a coating that looks like bare aluminum? If the paint chips off of it, would the silver base look like it’s an aluminum body underneath?” I started thinking about Metal Morphous and their aluminizing process thinking that, because the body is getting coated with real aluminum, the same challenges exist with paint adhering to the aluminum as anything else made out of aluminum that gets painted. So, could a fiberglass body get aluminized in common chip-prone areas, then painted with top-coat that could get chipped off to expose the aluminum underneath? I was thinking the areas to do this to would be around the nose opening, around the wheel arches, just behind the doors (where spats normally get mounted), and at the top of the windshield on Coupes. Predictable patina? Thoughts?