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Thread: Factory five no dealer in oz!!

  1. #1
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    Factory five no dealer in oz!!

    Hi everyone I’m Chris from Sydney how r u all? I’ve been trying to find a dealer but there does not appear to be one question is how much freight would a stage 2 be from the states? (Chassis plus body) I’m supplying my own running gear.

  2. #2
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    Darren Malloy no longer does business with factory five.he has plenty of steering components left over if anyone is interested.

  3. #3
    Senior Member bil1024's Avatar
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    I would call ffr

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Yep will do��

  5. #5
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    Hi guys this can be for others that need info.

    To ship a Hot Rod kit to Australia, you'll need to contract an
    international shipping company to get a quote. Once you know the company
    you'll be using, we can help coordinate the kit pick-up at our facility
    here in the US. We'll need to put the kit in a crate which we sell for
    $799 USD. It weighs about 2,500 lbs. when fully loaded and measures 16' L
    x 52" H x 6'6" W.

    Let us know if we can help with any other questions!

  6. #6
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    Hi Olly, shipping cost me just shy of $15k AUD late last year using a company called Ameroz. They were great to deal with and I never had any problems. It's a 2 month boat ride though.

    Rough breakdown:
    Inland freight from FFR to Ameroz warehouse in NJ - $2400
    Loading & shipping to Melbourne - $3700
    Maritime insurance - $700
    Port service charges, unpacking container, materials disposal - $1500
    Quarantine & customs fees - $330
    Tilt tray from port to home - $300

    Customs duty & GST - $4000 (Be aware that duty & GST is payable on the landed cost in AUD)

    The $800 US for the FFR crate was on top of this. If you go ahead, stress to FFR that you want the ends braced to the base with 4 x 2" timbers. The ends of my crate were almost falling off by the time I got it.

  7. #7
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    Bloody hell im shocked by the price��

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Did that include engine ,transmission ? Extra weight costs more and maybe cheaper if shipped separately.
    Last edited by Olly; 09-13-2019 at 06:57 AM.

  9. #9
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    Nope, no engine or tranny and regardless, you're not paying for weight, you're paying for cubic space.

    The other issue if you do ship with an engine & tranny, it's considered a complete car and you then need to apply for all sorts of import permits, and the import tax is higher I believe.

    I decided to go FCL (Full container load) whereas you could save money by going LCL (less than container load) but you then need to wait for the container to be filled with other peoples stuff. Who knows what else is going in with your nice new car bits - could be anything.
    You could also go FCL and fill it to the brim with parts you know you could easily offload on ebay and recoup some of the shipping costs. Bit of a gamble though and extra coin up front.

    It's certainly not the best time to be buying from the US either. Keep in mind that the exchange rate advertised on TV & sites like is the wholesale rate - the rate you'll get is closer to 3 or 4 cents less than this.

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