After two months of efficient, successful building, karma caught up to me. There have been a whole bunch of little, needling issues that have gotten in the way of driving chassis.

The transmission tunnel has put up nothing but a fight. It doesn’t fit real well and it does interfere with the transmission a little. I believe I fit it to the car at least 20 times. Every time I think I’ve got it, I try another piece of the puzzle and it doesn’t work. For example, I had the tunnel fit, test fit the seat and now the bench seat interferes ... where it didnt before adding the center.

Additionally, a bit of my firewall panel bond popped at the thinnest portion of the corner. I haven’t decided how to remedy the problem... options being re-bond the corner or put a screw through it to hold it in place permanently. Fortunately, it is in a spot that is very discreet and a screw would not be noticeable.

Additionally, getting the wiring nested nicely has really put my patience to a test. I have fully wired and unwired the car three times. I’ve tossed about 100’ of unused wire and I just am not happy with how the harness lays. In due time...

Anyway. The car starts like the donor Escalade and comes up to temp nicely. I’m sure will be a blast to drive when I sort out the last details.

Until I get it right it sits. Adding to the chaos, my wife took a job in southwest Virginia and it appears that we’re going to be relocating in the next couple of months. Kind of a normal thing for us due to the nature of her work, but it does make getting the car finished a real challenge. However, it’s much easier to register the car in Virginia than Georgia. That’s good news.