I'm chicken and afraid to start drilling holes in the body unless I am sure they will be in the right places. I've placed the body on the chassis and trial mounted the hood and have several questions:
1. The hood just fits into the body with no hinges. With the hinges the hood sits too high. I read that the front of the body on a Mk. 4 should be raised 9/16 inch above the 3/4 inch tubes along the hood opening. Is that correct? As I read the instructions, the body is riveted directly to the tubes.
2. I have a 3/8 gap between the dashboard and the flange on the cockpit front body opening. The back of the body opening fits tightly against the rear cockpit wall. The drivers door hinge interferes with the body. How far can you move the body forward without creating unintended consequences?
3. Are there other ways to hold the hood down rather than using the original style latches. They may be original but they look clunky like my Grandfathers 1950's Case tractor. Has anyone used pins, Dzus fasteners, etc. with good results?