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Thread: s10 tail housing swap issue

  1. #1
    Senior Member OttawaFFRer's Avatar
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    s10 tail housing swap issue

    I am having some issue with my tail housing swap.

    I see videos of others doing this swap where the tailhousing simply closes to a tight fit but mine stops 1/4 inch away.

    Am I supposed to torque it to close that gap? I don't want to crack the housing and am hoping for some advice.

    10 years after my roadster build....
    289 FIA (pickup 28/08/20 if covid permits)
    currently building a 289 and accumulating parts needed to finish a Canadian Kit.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    What year is your transmission? I remember reading somewhere that it won’t work on a 93 T5

  3. #3
    Senior Member OttawaFFRer's Avatar
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    it's a 99 v6 tag 260.

    I fixed it.

    where the 5th gear oiler/lockout is on this transmission there was a...see photo...bit of metal that blocked off the oiler. I noticed in videos of the swap that this piece didn't exist.
    I put it in the might sherline and machined it down to work like a dream.

    disregard the mess I was on a strict timeline for a pool day which I have totally ruined.
    before after and assembled.

    what affect this will have on 5th gear oil I'm not sure...

    Thanks for the input Michael
    10 years after my roadster build....
    289 FIA (pickup 28/08/20 if covid permits)
    currently building a 289 and accumulating parts needed to finish a Canadian Kit.

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