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Thread: Wondering how to title a race car

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
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    Wondering how to title a race car

    Hi! I have a chance to get a real Chettah race car, not the later kit version. I intend to flip it. I've been told it would be easier to sell if it was titled. It is built on a 63 corvette frame, currently has a 454/ th400 drivetrain. Does anyone have experience in titling such a vehicle?

  2. #2
    Out Drivin' Gumball's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Blackberry Township, IL
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    Maybe look into the bonded title process in your state. That takes a bunch of time, though, so not realistic when looking to flip the car.

    Other concern would be whether there is any cloud on the chassis number from the Corvette donor.

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