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Thread: South Dakota Registration

  1. #1
    Senior Member 33fromSD's Avatar
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    South Dakota Registration

    For those interested, South Dakota Registration is pretty straight forward (jut completed mine last week) compared to other states I'm following.

    Couple things to keep in mind....
    1) SoDak views Kit Cars as "rebuilds" and you will not be able to title the year as a "1933", they consider the year you're applying for registration as the year of the vehicle on the title.
    2) SoDak will only let you start this process if the car is complete.
    3) The state will not issue a paper plate until your set up for an inspection

    Process is as follows:

    Step 1) Fill out and submit (along with all receipts and the FFR MSO) a rebuild application & pay $35. Be sure if your using donor parts (engine, transmission rear end) that you have receipts of where you got them and the VIN of the vehicle they were pulled from. On the rebuild application for the FFR kit just reference the invoice number as the part number and include the detailed kit list from FFR

    Note: I went the BluePrint engine route so I just needed to make sure that the serial number on the BluePrint paper work was stamped on the engine & transmission

    Step 2) In ~2-3 wks, the state will call you to go over the paper work and set up an inspection (Inspections are either in Sioux Falls, Rapid City or Pierre and only on certain days; normally Wednesday, since the same guy does them all. So basically one Wednesday per month per inspection site.

    Note: Once your set up for an inspection the state will send you a letter confirming it and you can also use the letter to go to your local registration place to "buy" paper plate ($35) or you can just trailer the car to the inspection. I trailered mine, if it's an open trailer you don't even need to take it off the trailer, the inspector has no issues crawling around on the trailer, if you bring an enclosed trailers (due to room to look around) you'll most likely need to take the car off the trailer.

    Step 3) Inspection day.....Keep in mind the state is not inspecting the vehicle for safety items they expect you've build a safe vehicle and anything will be corrected if your ever pulled over and the local authorities point out things needing correction, it will be your responsibility to resolve. The inspection is really to verify you built the car with the parts you put in the rebuild application. The inspector checks the FFR s/n on the MSO matches the frame s/n, they check the engine serial # matches the paper work supplied, they do a once over to make sure the car is complete, and the last thing they do is verify the milage for the title. On the paper work they discuss with you the cost they came up with and the excise tax you will owe (4% of the cost on anything you have not paid sales tax on already) when registering it. Mine took a total of 10 minutes....another 20 minutes to just shoot the s**t.

    Note: Once the inspection is done the inspector will attach a SoDak Vin tag (they don't use the supplied FFR plate) to spot which is agreeable to you and them. They prefer a highly visible location which is direct feedback from state patrol, sheriff & police departments



    Step 4) The inspector needs a full day (not counting the inspection) to scan all your documents into the system before you can go to your local office to register (if you pass on Wed you can apply on Friday). The inspector will clearly explain that a "pending hold" will be put in the system that the local office will see. They will need to call this inspector who will then provide the exact amount of excise tax owed, and once the clerk helping you confirms you have paid the excise tax to the inspector (he will stick on the phone) the inspector will release the hold and the clerk can process your registration and help you choose the type of plate you want.

    Note: in my case I applied for a single rear plate so that is a send away plate so they issued me a 45-day paper plate to put on the car until my real plates arrives but I am free to drive the car as if I had plates on it.


    Sounds like a lot, but I was trying to be thorough, it was really quite simple.

    Last edited by 33fromSD; 06-08-2021 at 11:19 AM.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member 33fromSD's Avatar
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    Just an update (from my build thread)...........

    SoDak must be pretty slow for things to do when it comes to titles. I was told it would take 2-4 weeks possibly longer to get my title and I got my title from the state today.

    I first registered the car officially last Friday (6/4)...didn't even have the inspection until (6/2). I'm guessing since the inspection was 6/2 and the inspector was from the head office he just went ahead and processed the title once I registered it last Friday verses letting it go through the normal channels.

    Odd I got the title before my plate but not complaining..... Another chapter I can close.


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