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Thread: New to Texas

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dublin CA
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    New to Texas

    Hi All,

    I recently moved from North California to DFW area (about 30 minutes north of Dallas). Just got the Texas plates for my Mk4 couple days ago. Do you folks have any kind of regular meets here? Also if anyone tracking their Cobra, any recommendations on the clubs to drive with? Based on what I have seen so far Eagles Canyon is a very nice track and not too far.

    And the most important question - it's been over a year since I finished my build and it's overdue for a paint job. Can someone please recommend me a good shop? Looking for a good price and decent quality but not too perfect as it will be tracked a lot.


  2. #2
    Senior Member seagull81's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Creedmoor, Texas
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    I have put this link over on the DFW Facebook page. Join the group if you are on FB. They should be meeting next Saturday, I believe.
    Texas Cobra Club-Austin
    July 2009 FFCars Picture of the Month
    FFR3542K, 347 C.I., EFI, T-5, 3-Link, Miata Front Sway Bar, Red with White Stripes

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