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Thread: New Jersey Inspection

  1. #1
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    New Jersey Inspection

    Has anyone had an 818 registered in New Jersey?

  2. #2
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    Bumping this up... Curious myself about the process.

  3. #3
    Husband/father/son mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tm999xxx View Post
    Bumping this up... Curious myself about the process.
    Process is the same for all kit cars in NJ, when you call the NJ MVS special titles division (State Street in Trenton), you'll ask for the "Kit car package", follow the instructions to the letter and you'll do just fine. Do not try to reinvent the wheel, NJ is one of those states that has little leeway when it comes to kit cars these days.

    Also, and just as an FYI, you'll have to take the car to Westfield, Asbury Park, or Winslow for your initial safety inspection. Morristown was officially closed after Hurricane Sandy due to 11 feet of water going through the building. The MVS dept decided to not rebuild that location.

    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

  4. #4
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    thanks for the response
    I have been through the inspection process with an electric conversion, I wanted to know if anyone went through it with and 818?
    I was hoping to make sure any issues were added prior to my getting there.
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  5. #5
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    I just found out that NJ inspects the clearance as if the car is sitting on the rims. You need at least 2 1/2 "
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  6. #6
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    eight weeks
    that's how long it took for the paperwork to be approved
    now I await my appointment for the physical inspection
    more to come
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  7. #7
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    I received the call today for scheduling the physical inspection
    August 30th is the earliest opening they have.
    This is where they perform the salvage inspections, summer is the busiest time.
    too bad for me
    I wait and wait
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  8. #8
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    Passed inspection
    Make sure your tires do not touch any part of wheel well. Entire travel of the steering.
    All wires secured to body, no thing that could be pulled or snagged.
    I was asked to put additional metal in rear. Not exactly a bumper but close to be called one.
    Every part was touched, pulled, pushed.
    Looking for any signs of leaks.
    Make sure Factory Five vin plate is installed
    Height was checked as if tires are flat.
    Brake test done by having me run car on to skid plates and brake ( 5-10 mph)
    From this machine you can see how to adjust proportional valve.
    He will let me return anytime to run it and check brakes.
    The inspection took almost 2 hours.
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  9. #9
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    Which inspection station did you visit? I am getting ready to get mine done. Also What did they require for the rear bumper?

  10. #10
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    Joe in Asbury Park
    He is Great
    he asked me to put one on but he passed me without it
    He did not want a bumper, a steel bar across the inside was fine for him
    818S #343 Delivered 5-20-2015
    First Start 10-17-2015
    First Drive 10-17-2017 ( 100 feet back and forth until I can get off driveway)
    First Drive with a non leaking tuned motor 11-12-2015 (wow)
    Passed NJ State constructed inspection 8/30/2016

  11. #11
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    This is an old thread but I wanted to add my experience and figured it was better here rather than in my own post.

    I just passed the NJ safety inspection yesterday! I went to the same inspection station as insurance guy (Asbury Park) and had a similar experience. The only differences were they didn't say anything about needing any rear bumper structure and they needed to see the frame number behind the dash but didn't require the VIN plaque to be installed (no VIN yet). Other than that, they didn't really have any questions. Inspection took 3 guys about 1.5hrs and they get it up on a lift and look at pretty much everything. I towed it using a Uhaul truck and vehicle transport trailer.


    Next step is getting NJMVC Special and Foreign Title Division in Trenton to finalize the paperwork and mail the title. Then I go to a regular MVC location for registration, plates and emissions inspection (in NJ they only check OBDII and gas cap, they don't look at ANYTHING else). It'll be road-legal just in time for winter.... ;-)

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  13. #12
    Senior Member Jkviper's Avatar
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    Congrats Dave,

    I’m looking about 24 months out for my inspection. Is Joe still working at Asbury, spoke with him a few years back when planning my build.

  14. #13
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    Thanks Jkviper. I'm not sure if Joe is still there, I didn't think to ask anyone's name! I will say the 3 guys I dealt with were very nice and accommodating.

    Some additional info, I waited outside during the inspection so I don't know exactly what they looked at. I was worried about the exhaust since I'm only using the OEM WRX catalytic converter, no muffler. NJ law says something like "exhaust shall be muffled" but apparently it wasn't an issue. The exhaust isn't super loud but it's not quiet either. I also haven't installed the side windows yet but they said there isn't a requirement to have side windows at all.

    I'm super jealous you're building an SL-C. That would be a dream build for me! I'm also a fan of the Ultima RS. Maybe I can see it when you're done?! :-)

  15. #14
    Husband/father/son mrmustang's Avatar
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    For those just tuning in to this resurrected thread, nothing has really changed since my post back in 2016. NJ has a process in place that they finally adhere to all across the enhanced inspection stations.

    Bill S.
    Last edited by mrmustang; 11-19-2021 at 11:34 PM.
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  16. #15
    Senior Member Jkviper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carnutdave View Post
    Thanks Jkviper. I'm not sure if Joe is still there, I didn't think to ask anyone's name! I will say the 3 guys I dealt with were very nice and accommodating.

    Some additional info, I waited outside during the inspection so I don't know exactly what they looked at. I was worried about the exhaust since I'm only using the OEM WRX catalytic converter, no muffler. NJ law says something like "exhaust shall be muffled" but apparently it wasn't an issue. The exhaust isn't super loud but it's not quiet either. I also haven't installed the side windows yet but they said there isn't a requirement to have side windows at all.

    I'm super jealous you're building an SL-C. That would be a dream build for me! I'm also a fan of the Ultima RS. Maybe I can see it when you're done?! :-)
    Thanks Dave, Happy to show you the work in progress and would enjoy seeing your build as well.

  17. #16
    Senior Member Jkviper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carnutdave View Post
    Thanks Jkviper. I'm not sure if Joe is still there, I didn't think to ask anyone's name! I will say the 3 guys I dealt with were very nice and accommodating.

    Some additional info, I waited outside during the inspection so I don't know exactly what they looked at. I was worried about the exhaust since I'm only using the OEM WRX catalytic converter, no muffler. NJ law says something like "exhaust shall be muffled" but apparently it wasn't an issue. The exhaust isn't super loud but it's not quiet either. I also haven't installed the side windows yet but they said there isn't a requirement to have side windows at all.

    I'm super jealous you're building an SL-C. That would be a dream build for me! I'm also a fan of the Ultima RS. Maybe I can see it when you're done?! :-)
    Dave, just curious. Did you go with a 3 point seat belt or racing harness?

  18. #17
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    I used the 3 point retractable belts from the donor. From what I've read, there are DOT approved 4pt harnesses but I didn't want to take any chances with not passing inspection.

  19. Thanks Jkviper thanked for this post

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