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Thread: Anyone in Arizona have a completed 818C?

  1. #1
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    Anyone in Arizona have a completed 818C?

    I live in Arizona and I’m 6 ft 4 in tall and headroom will always be an issue for me in coupes. I REALLY want to build an 818C, but I read the following on the Factory Five website:

    The 818 is a small car with a large cockpit that accommodates drivers up to 6 ft 4 in tall. The seating position is low and there is a good amount of legroom.

    I’m not willing to invest this much time into a project like this only to find out when I get to the finish line that I’ve built an amazing car that works great for everyone else but I don’t fit in it or I’m uncomfortable in it. If I were 6 ft 1 then this post wouldn’t be necessary at all, but since I’m at the upper limit of what the cockpit will accommodate, I’d like to verify for myself that this specific model will work for me. No disrespect to Factory Five, but I don’t want to place all my faith and trust in the accuracy of one sentence of marketing material. I need to verify the interior space myself. I emailed back and forth with Dave Lindsey at Factory Five Racing and he gave me two solutions: fly to Massachusetts and sit in a completed 818C or check with the 818C community and see if there is someone in Arizona who is willing to let me sit in their 818C to verify headroom.

    Is anyone in Arizona (or California) willing to let me sit (not drive) in their completed 818C? Thanks for any help you can give me.

  2. #2
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    AzPete sold his, but he might know if it is still in Az. There are several places that you should be able to hop a cheap nonstop flight to such as Houston or LAX that have several. Also I’m not sure if you caught the other thread, but the 818 appears to be discontinued, so you might be shopping for a partial build if you do decide to move forwards.

  3. #3
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    Im not much help on having something for you to sit in, but my two cents. My guess is that you could make it so you fit once you are in, but getting there could be a challenge. I'm 6'5 and built an 818s. I fit fine (could use more leg room, its ok for a couple hours), but I count on the open top for getting in and out. Not to say it can't be done!

  4. #4
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    I own AzPete's car and all I can say is find one to sit in before you commit. You don't get into this car you wear it. Headroom is fine for 6'-2" but leg room is really tight.

  5. #5

    Yes, I love Technology
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    I'm 6-1, I sat in Mechie's car before ordering. I knew it was tight then, but enthusiasm won me out. On good days, I hop in and out gleefully, On sore back days I ease out rather slowly - probably pathetic to watch. But I do it anyway and am happy to keep on until I simply can't. Will have to stop riding my Hayabusa probably the same day. I did a ton of shows last year (first year on the road). I let anyone who asked climb in - with one 'caveat' - If you can't get out, you have to buy it.... . I recall at least two 6-4 guys who got in and out but they had a real time of it and were cramped. I don't think they would be safe drivers.

    And I had added about 2" in the back and 1.5" in the front by moving the firewall design forward, and my own tank in the back, aftermarket seats. You have to want this pretty bad to deal with that stuff at your height, no bull. But the performance, looks, fun building, etc. might just make it worth it.

    Fly into Chicago, I'll bring you down to NW Indiana for a drive in mine. If nothing else you won't forget it.

    (I quit driving my 818 into Chicago after last fall's junk on the Lake Shore Drive took chunks out of my paint on one side. And my other car - slightly more sacrifice-able (??) - got a rock in the windshield from a dump truck on one of the beltways).

  6. #6
    Senior Member fletch's Avatar
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    In in Albuquerque, NM. Car is at go-kart stage with much of the body installed. You're welcome to come by anytime for a test fit. I have a front-mounted gas tank for more legroom and am using modified OEM seats (removed padding and dropped the mounting height a bit) to fit my 6'1" frame. I could get another 2-3" of seat height out if I went with racing seats. Haven't pulled that trigger yet and probably won't since I want this to be primarily a street car.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Dave 53's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    In in Albuquerque, NM. Car is at go-kart stage with much of the body installed. You're welcome to come by anytime for a test fit. I have a front-mounted gas tank for more legroom and am using modified OEM seats (removed padding and dropped the mounting height a bit) to fit my 6'1" frame. I could get another 2-3" of seat height out if I went with racing seats. Haven't pulled that trigger yet and probably won't since I want this to be primarily a street car.
    fletch, 37 years ago today...

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