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Thread: Any 818 titled in Michigan

  1. #1
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    Any 818 titled in Michigan

    Just reaching out looking how many issues I will run into with Michigan getting it titled. Thanks

  2. #2
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    Few to none.

    Find a police officer that will inspect and fill out the TR-54 form (parts 1 and 2), take that, your reciepts, and the COO to Sec. state, apply for vehicle title, wait 2-10 weeks, [don't we all wish we could work on government schedules?] have someone come out to place VIN sticker, find insurance, go back to sec. state with title and proof and insurance and register like any other car.

    Only things the police really looked for on mine were working lights and that there was reasonable proof the parts weren't stolen. Didn't have any problem with the lack of exhaust or real bumpers.

    Oh, and sec. state will keep everything when you apply for a title so make copies of it all before you give it to them.

  3. #3
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    Thank you very much i gotta get a Flint city officer off their butts when I am ready like pulling teeth off a rabbid pitbull.

  4. #4
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    Tell them you're a Kettering student and they'll be over in no time.

    In reality, you may want to go straight to the State guys. I believe they have to refer to them anyway to run the VINs to check for stolen parts so you can cut out the middle man.

    It also helps when you call to ask for the officer that does salvage title inspections. It'll be the same guy that does kit cars but they probably deal with a lot more salvage titles and it'll be a whole lot easier and quicker to find the right guy the first time.

  5. #5
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    Thanks I will go straight there I just didnt want to send it to Bridgeport or something. Thanks again

  6. #6
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    Michigan titling is a piece of cake. Fill out the forms completely and bring the paperwork to the secretary of state. I pulled serial numbers where possible off the engine and transmission and then took pictures in case they asked. The only thing from Factory Five they care about is the receipt.

    I had a friend that is a deputy do the TR54. The state inspector was a little fussy, saying my windshield wiper mechanism didn't look permanent. He said he inspected all vehicles for the entire lower peninsula west of Lansing. Mine was the first 818 he had seen. Of course that was 2 years ago.

  7. #7
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    Did the state inspector go over the TR-54 again when he put the VIN sticker on? And did you have to trailer the car to him?

    In both cases, the state said yes, but when the guy called to do mine he met me at my house chit-chatted a bit about what it was, slapped the sticker on and left. No-reinspection, no trailering.

    I think it just depends who you get and what kind of mood they are in that day. It seems like the Cobra, Sand rail, rat-rod guys have similarly different experiences as well. I guess I really can't complain though since we don't have to deal with registration in California, New York, Jersey, etc...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil1734 View Post
    Did the state inspector go over the TR-54 again when he put the VIN sticker on? And did you have to trailer the car to him?

    In both cases, the state said yes, but when the guy called to do mine he met me at my house chit-chatted a bit about what it was, slapped the sticker on and left. No-reinspection, no trailering.

    I think it just depends who you get and what kind of mood they are in that day. It seems like the Cobra, Sand rail, rat-rod guys have similarly different experiences as well. I guess I really can't complain though since we don't have to deal with registration in California, New York, Jersey, etc...
    I've been through the process a handful of times. Once with a gas golf cart, once with a side by side, and now with the 818. For the 818 the inspector met me at the Grand Haven SOS. He did run through the TR54 form again. Both were a first. The other two times the inspector met me at my house or toy barn. I was able to get temporary registration before the VIN was placed once I showed proof of insurance to the SOS (60 days, see #6 here because I think this rule changed,4670,7...5476--,00.html). I drove to the SOS.

  9. #9
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    Thank you all for the info would love to come out and see the cars in person sometime i live in flint but work in Grass Lake I know why the drive but its all about $$$$$. Again thanks everyone.

  10. #10
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    That rule did indeed change, I believe at the same time they closed the SxS "loop-hole." I knew they had changed it when I went to SOS but the lady gave it to me anyway just to take it back with a "oops! I'm not supposed to give you that anymore." I was very sad panda at the time because I thought I was going to get to pull a fast one on them.

    I live and work around the Brighton area so you're welcome to look at my car sometime but it's a lot more enjoyable in warmer weather.

  11. #11
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    Thank you very much i will take you up on that. I will PM you my number. Again thank you

  12. #12
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    Mine is also available for review, but I'm Holland, MI.

  13. #13
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    Thank you would love to see all i can so i can learn more

  14. #14
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    I titled a Dune buggy that I built up there. Very easy. As Phil mentioned make sure you request and officer that is familiar with vehicle inspections. I called twice because 2 officers did not know what an open differential was. Third officer had a Jeep with lockers, lol.

  15. #15
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    at least in the Macomb area was super easy to title the 818.

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