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Thread: Wilwood Disc Brakes Tech Update - October 2023

  1. #1
    Webmaster, FFR
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    Wilwood Disc Brakes Tech Update - October 2023

    We just received a notice from Wilwood Brakes that there may have been some missing caliper inlet fittings from Wilwood brake kits for front brakes and IRS rear brakes. Here is the notice:

    From Wilwood Brakes: “We just discovered that hose kit 220-12092, we may have included the wrong caliper inlet fittings, or no caliper inlet fittings. These are shipped in kits 140-12048 and 140-15138. It’s impossible for us to tell which customers may have received kits with the wrong fittings.”

    If you have received a Wilwood brake kit between 4/1/22 and 10/10/22, please take a look at the hose kits and make sure they contain 2 chassis fittings, 2 hoses, and two 45° caliper inlet fittings (the ones likely to be missing) as in the photo above.

    If they’re missing, you can contact Wilwood directly, and they will be glad to send them UPS ground at no charge.

    Email your name, address, and how may fittings you’re missing to [email protected].

    To date, we have not had any reports to Factory Five of incorrect or missing inlet fittings.
    Dave Lindsey
    FFR's Mad Dog

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Tooth's Avatar
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    Just got my rears, no front yet. Gotta check when I get home.

    Thanks for posting this.

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