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Thread: "Voodoo Magic" SEMA Build - Day 42 - Done - Let's go to SEMA

  1. #121
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Great fit on the doors!


  2. #122
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    I really like this truck… very cool!

  3. #123
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Can you see me?

    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

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  5. #124

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Yes, We Can See You!
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-23-2022 at 06:14 AM.

  6. #125
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  7. #126
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erik W. Treves View Post
    Can you see me?

    Remember the two words I mentioned to you a few days ago?


  8. #127
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Day 41 - long night!

    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  9. Thanks Pat Landymore thanked for this post
  10. #128
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Day 42 - I am gonna call it ALL DONE...... still have to glue in the front and rear window and wax it and vacuum.... but..... we are DONE.... Will be standing by for the call from Scotty and we are off to SEMA!!! Here are some pics as I left it this morning - still dusty from all the buffing so as nice as it looks it is pretty dirty....

    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  11. Likes Pat Landymore, FF33rod, Chopper liked this post
  12. #129
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Last edited by Erik W. Treves; 10-25-2022 at 01:17 AM.
    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  13. #130

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    You did in 42 days what would have easily taken me 42 weeks; heck, more likely 42 months.
    I'm sure the truck will be well received at SEMA, hopefully as well received as the Black Mamba.

    Congratulations & Well Done Once Again!

  14. Thanks Erik W. Treves thanked for this post
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  15. #131
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    Challenge accepted, challenge overcome!

  16. #132
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Mission Complete

    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  17. Thanks GoDadGo, Geoff H thanked for this post
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  18. #133
    Senior Member Geoff H's Avatar
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    Well done - congratulations Erik!
    Mk III 4880: 3:55 - 3 link, T-5, 347, Holley Sniper/dual sync distributor, Comp Cams XE274HR, Edelbrock RPM Heads

  19. #134
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    Hey all - just wanted to provide feedback that we did get a 6'6" 320 lbs gentleman into the truck and he fit!

    Somethings that we (I) could have done to make the truck bigger on the inside -

    1) put an automatic in it
    2) I had the pedals up off the front firewall a little too much (mainly so I could drive it) -
    a. could have just adjusted them with the mater cylinder rod to lower them
    b. goning to larger master cylinder size to reduce pedal throw (would increase effort but they are pretty soft now) - and the larger folks will have "more" mass pushing anyway... I believe the stock pieces are 3/4 bore

    All in all everybody who tried to get in the truck was able to get in it.... most said the seat was too low and too far back - all goodness!

    Mission Success from a design perspective I think!
    Last edited by Erik W. Treves; 11-13-2022 at 08:29 AM.
    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  20. Thanks GoDadGo thanked for this post
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  21. #135
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    Would it be possible to stuff a 6R80 transmission in it (without modifications), behind a Coyote? Wife wants this truck, but for the sake of her own safety, I need to put in an automatic.
    My Type 65 Coupe: Ordered May 27, 2021. Arrived November 19, 2021.
    I would like to treat my gas pedal as a binary operator. It would be nice to get the cooperation of everyone in front of me.

  22. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skuzzy View Post
    Would it be possible to stuff a 6R80 transmission in it (without modifications), behind a Coyote? Wife wants this truck, but for the sake of her own safety, I need to put in an automatic.
    I just built one with 4R70W witha small block, I would say that is doable behind a coyote. 6R80's are pretty big.
    FFinisher/AKA RE63

  23. #137
    Senior Member edwardb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFinisher View Post
    I just built one with 4R70W witha small block, I would say that is doable behind a coyote. 6R80's are pretty big.
    To build on this response, my truck build is an LS3 with a GM 4L65E automatic. That's an older vintage trans and smaller than newer ones including the 6R80. It fit OK, but wouldn't want to go any bigger.
    Build 1: Mk3 Roadster #5125. Sold 11/08/2014. Build 2: Mk4 Roadster #7750. Sold 04/10/2017. Build Thread
    Build 3: Mk4 Roadster 20th Anniversary #8674. Sold 09/07/2020. Build Thread and Video. Build 4: Gen 3 Type 65 Coupe #59. Gen 3 Coyote. Legal 03/04/2020. Build Thread and Video
    Build 5: 35 Hot Rod Truck #138. LS3 and 4L65E auto. Rcvd 01/05/2021. Legal 04/20/2023. Build Thread. Sold 11/9/2023.

  24. #138
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    Not really relevant to the question, but my 2nd Gen Coyote and 6R80 did not fit in my 70 Mustang without tunnel surgery. The bellhousing area is very wide on the 6R80.
    If you want, I can give you dimensions and pictures as my engine and transmission are currently out of the car.
    If you can weld, you can make it fit.
    MK4 base kit, 2004 Mach 1 donor, 4.6L DOHC, TR-3650 5-speed, narrowed stock axle with 3.55 gears and TruTrac, PS, PB, ABS, 17" Halibrand replica wheels, started 12/2011, registered 9/2014, sold 3/1/2018.
    1970 Mustang Fastback Coyote powered Boss 302 tribute. Started 10/14/16.
    Gen 3 Coupe Base Kit non-donor build. Ordered 4/5/2024 to be received August 2024.

  25. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan_C View Post
    Not really relevant to the question, but my 2nd Gen Coyote and 6R80 did not fit in my 70 Mustang without tunnel surgery. The bellhousing area is very wide on the 6R80.
    If you want, I can give you dimensions and pictures as my engine and transmission are currently out of the car.
    If you can weld, you can make it fit.
    That would be helpful. I would like to see what it might take to stuff a 6R80 into it. It may not be feasible, but I would regret not giving it a try. Thank you.
    My Type 65 Coupe: Ordered May 27, 2021. Arrived November 19, 2021.
    I would like to treat my gas pedal as a binary operator. It would be nice to get the cooperation of everyone in front of me.

  26. #140
    Senior Member edwardb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skuzzy View Post
    That would be helpful. I would like to see what it might take to stuff a 6R80 into it. It may not be feasible, but I would regret not giving it a try. Thank you.
    Of course go for it if that's what you want to do. Anything's possible. My main caution is the foot space on the truck is already narrow. Widening the transmission tunnel, especially at the front by the bell housing, is going to make it even tighter. For driver with the pedals and also for the passenger.
    Build 1: Mk3 Roadster #5125. Sold 11/08/2014. Build 2: Mk4 Roadster #7750. Sold 04/10/2017. Build Thread
    Build 3: Mk4 Roadster 20th Anniversary #8674. Sold 09/07/2020. Build Thread and Video. Build 4: Gen 3 Type 65 Coupe #59. Gen 3 Coyote. Legal 03/04/2020. Build Thread and Video
    Build 5: 35 Hot Rod Truck #138. LS3 and 4L65E auto. Rcvd 01/05/2021. Legal 04/20/2023. Build Thread. Sold 11/9/2023.

  27. #141
    East Coast Speed Machines Erik W. Treves's Avatar
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    I think it would "fit" - the issue of width on the 6R80 is only one aspect of the box - the 6R80 is also taller than the other boxes and wider in the hips... I don't think the foot box would be the issue rather the hour glass shape of the tunnel..... anything possible - and we can probably speculate some - but somebody has to be first - I think I was the first to put it in the coupe? I think even factory 5 said it was "probably" too big.... until you stuff it in there you won't know.... in my case I already had one to try.... and to say it "FITS" - well it does .... but just... and it takes a few modifications to get it in there so it's usable.... Paul is correct about the need to more than likely widen the tunnel - but I don't think that will effect the relationship between the gas pedal and your foot since that point is already the widest point of bellhousing mounts to the motor and if the transmission was any wider it wouldn't bolt to the engine.
    FFR 1879, Blown DSS 306,REDLINE management, VeryCoolParts Tuned 460RWHP

    FFR 818S, The Flash, Chassis #5, 2.0L, LSD, Electromotive TEC-S, VCP Tuned, 278RWHP 265 RWTQ

    FFR 6651, Green Lantern, 408W Crate, Hellion 66mm Turbo, JGS Waste gate / Blowoff valve, Tec-GT management, VCP Tuned, 575 RWHP, 690 RWTQ

    FFR 8335, Black Mamba, 289 FIA CSX 2001 tribute car, 347, 48 IDA webers, VCP Tuned, 311 RWHP 386 RWTQ, 3-link, Trigo's

    FFR 0004, Gen 3 , Hawk Coupe, Coyote twin turbo, 683 RWHP 559 RWTQ, IRS, VCP Tuned. "not too shabby"

    US ARMY Maintenance Test Pilot (CW4 Retired)

  28. #142
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    I do have a 6R80 in the garage ready to go. I was going to use it in another project but have since decided to retire from building cars. I agree Erik. I do not think it will shrink the foot box, at the pedals, as that should already be wide enough to handle the engine.

    What size is the tubing in the tunnel? I assume it is square. Depending on how much more space is needed, it might be possible to unitize the tunnel by splitting the tubing and reinforcing it with 1/16" plate. That description may be a bit vague. Basically, split the tubing in the tunnel and then take a sheet of 1/16" plate and weld it the length of the tunnel to restore the strength lost. If the tubing is 1.5" square, then that could gain 1.375" in the width of the tunnel with zero change to the interior.

    About 12" from the bellhousing mounting face the tunnel to be 11" wide/high. How far off is that? That first 12" is a linear taper from the width of the engine to about 10.25".
    Last edited by Skuzzy; 11-13-2022 at 11:29 AM.
    My Type 65 Coupe: Ordered May 27, 2021. Arrived November 19, 2021.
    I would like to treat my gas pedal as a binary operator. It would be nice to get the cooperation of everyone in front of me.

  29. #143
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    In this thread there is a link to the dimensions of the 6R80 from Power by the Hour. PBH has some great Coyote and 6R80 swap parts as I have used a few.
    MK4 base kit, 2004 Mach 1 donor, 4.6L DOHC, TR-3650 5-speed, narrowed stock axle with 3.55 gears and TruTrac, PS, PB, ABS, 17" Halibrand replica wheels, started 12/2011, registered 9/2014, sold 3/1/2018.
    1970 Mustang Fastback Coyote powered Boss 302 tribute. Started 10/14/16.
    Gen 3 Coupe Base Kit non-donor build. Ordered 4/5/2024 to be received August 2024.

  30. #144
    Junior Member Mirage775's Avatar
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    Hey Erik! I just sent you a PM about checking out the truck in person? I'm the guy in Huntsville that was originally interested in the '33 Hot Rod, back in September, but was told by many, that I was too tall for it...

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