Sorry for being lazy. I searched a bit, but hoping someone can hand me an answer on a silver platter.
I blew up the wheel side CV joint. Shifting from 4th to 5th gear.
I bought my project from an original owner and the axles are the only thing I haven't touched or know anything about other than I think they are some sort of cobbling together of parts. I recall some shop all the cool kids seemed to be using to build 818 axles. There are several "axle shops" here in the San Francisco Bay Area, but when I call and the first question is, "what is the make and model of your car?", I don't know how to answer.
My CV cups are black (not green). Not sure even where to start on getting these replaced or repaired because I don't even know what I have.
The doner car was a 2002 WRX.
Help......axle broken.jpg