Hi again,
I am doing the driver side foor box and have it all test fitted. The right side does not seem to be very stable where it meets the frame. I have searched through the manual and unless I missed it do not see panel that would resolve this.
So, have I missed something or is it just like this?
Ideas ... please?
Once you drill, silicone, and rivet the tab to the round tube it will be more than strong enough. I also did two rows of rivets under the square tube and where the outside panel meets the bottom of the floor.
I think you're describing the inner footbox AL panel that runs forward on top of the 4" tube beside where the accelerator peddle is. This panel, when fitted correctly, kinda rests on top of the 4" tube, I agree with you it's not very well supported. Some builders silicone the footbox panel to the 4" tube and Aluminium tape to seal it. My fix was to make/bend a piece of .40 Al to better connect the side panel to the 4" tube, drilled - siliconed - riveted and taped the piece on the inside of the drivers box before applying theromotech insulation. I think I read a few build blogs on this before coming up with plan.
That is what I was thinking of doing, it is good to hear that it is an accepted idea. I will feel better for it, especially with putting a throttle linkage through it.
Thanks guys!!
Sounds like you're cooking up an approach. Every time I fit that side panel in I seemed to get it to fit better, the alignment to the cockpit "A" panel (in front of the tranny) and the floor should be taken into consideration as they all converge. I'm better at puzzles after this experience. LOL There was a good discussion on Mechanical Throttle linkage this week in case you are thinking that way..
Made a patch panel out of some leftover metal flashing (the green you see there) and silicone and rivets to hold it in place. That with the heat/sound barrier and carpeting should do the trick.