Mount side pipes before body goes on?
So I'm dang close to a first start. Headers arrived this morning so mount those and the J pipes do the priming, add fluids, etc. and I'm going to try to start it. Question is........mount the side pipes before the body is on, or do some kind of temporary side pipe support set up until I put on the body and have that to measure to.
What do you all think? Thanks. Is a 289 with a 302 by the way
Last edited by FRM; 09-23-2024 at 08:59 AM.
Senior Member
I have not hard mounted my side pipes yet and am using a ratchet straps to hold the side pipes up as a temporary method. My pipes are ceramic coated so the straps aren't getting very hot. Not sure if that's an issue with uncoated pipes.
289 Roadster complete kit ordered 8/2/21. Delivered 3/14/2022. Chassis #10306. 17"x9" Halibrands, 3.55 IRS, PS, Wilwood brakes, BPE 306 with EFI and close ratio TKX. First start 7/20/2023. First Movement 9/24/2023. First go-kart 9/25/2023.
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When I did my go kart I used coat hanger wire for the side pipes. You do not want to permenant mount them until the body is on as some adjustment will be needed. Not the clearest photo but you can see how I did it temporarily.
Thanks. The picture helps. Headers and J Pipes mounted up this afternoon and will tackle the side pipes tomorrow. I think I'll pursue the temporary option as you guys did. Thanks for the help.
I tied mine to the door catch on the frame with wire
Some pretty big tires on the back there SteveWorth. What size? And I think I'll do the same with wire and the door catch for now.
295/50 15's on the back!
Its pretty hard to find 15" tires!
Agreed, but I prefer the 15" look with 60 series tires to that of larger wheels and lower profile tires. Just personal preference. So I did the coat hanger side pipe set up like you and rthomas98 and all's well. Truth be told I didn't use coat hanger wire, but electric fencing wire. We used to have a horse that cribbed and to keep him from pulling the fence down we ran wire along the top and electrified it. Worked great for that and for this.
On the subject of mounting the side pipes before the body I just discovered that the body needs to be trimmed in order to clear the side pipes…
Thanks for the tip. I'll anticipate that and plan accordingly.
What kind of saw did you use to trim the body? I'm close to putting the body on and am planning on how to cut. I'll need something too for the fuel filler cut out. I'm thinking I'll mount it to the body so will make a smaller hole.
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Originally Posted by
What kind of saw did you use to trim the body? I'm close to putting the body on and am planning on how to cut. I'll need something too for the fuel filler cut out. I'm thinking I'll mount it to the body so will make a smaller hole.
I bought one of these - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1 , same tool they use on the FFR body work videos. Works great for fiberglass and aluminum.
Jim Phoenix
Coupe-R delivered 8/10/2024
289 USRRC, F5R1011063RD - delivered same day
Coupe-R has a Ford Performance 363 mated to a TKX, 18084.
Many details on my Coupe-R are different from a typical Coupe build because mine is not street legal, race only.
289 has a BP 302 mated to a TKX 18084.
"For a little more, you can do it yourself." - Ed Hollingsworth... 6-Pack forums
I have not used any kind of saw yet. Only a Dremel with a cut off wheel and a sanding disc.
Have not tackled the wheel wells or gas cap yet which I also plan to mount on the top of the body.
I like to try to use the tools I already have...............sometimes that isn't feasible, but. I've used a cut off wheel, a Dremel and an old fashion saber saw. I had all those on the shelf. I did the gas cap and used a 1.5 inch hole saw and then finished it with the saber saw to make the circle. I think it turned out fine for me. That sawzall or what ever you call it jphoenix looks very nice and if I need more than I have I'll consider that. I'm in the doors and hood fitting phase right now. I worry some of the automatic, powered tools may take off too much too fast compared to good old sandpaper and elbow grease. I'm weighing my options on that.
Thanks again for the tips and information.
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