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Thread: New Member and New Upcoming Build

  1. #1
    Senior Member PNWTim's Avatar
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    New Member and New Upcoming Build

    Hello everyone – relatively new to posting but have been reading and enjoying this forum for many years. I am getting ready to embark on a Type 65 build and while digesting everything I came up with some specific questions I am hoping you all can help with prior to my order. I will be going with Gen IV Coyote/T-56/IRS for clarity. These questions and thoughts are in no particular order:

    Power steering - I was under the impression many people have used the Breeze Unisteer rack in the past but it is no longer available. From reading I am picking up the FF5 rack seems prone to failure? What are the recommendations for those that have recently built or are building now?

    19” wheels – these seem to be a hot topic if ordering outside of FF5. I love the Halibrands but like the way the 19” fills the wheel wells. Pros and cons welcome here.

    Aftermarket purchases – before I order my kit I am trying to understand why some order everything from FF5 while others opt to purchase brake kits and center sections in particular from other vendors. Both of these categories are pretty significant fiscal outlays so is it a cost savings move or something else that outweighs the one stop shopping?

    Side windows – leaning towards ordering but again, looking for real world experience and feedback. Is it nice to be able to close the slider, do they cut noise, etc? Also curious about the window’s weatherstripping/molding. Is it a one piece wrap around or is it a length of weatherstripping you then need to join the ends? If the latter, how noticeable is the joint?

    Thanks in advance and ready to get going!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    side windows help reduce the heat so the AC can cool the car and keep some rain out. If you leave the car it does provide some security, most don't know how to open the doors. I did a 6 day trip this year and had no issue with the car parked over night in hotel parking lots
    David W
    Mkll 4874 built in 2004
    Gen 3 coupe #16 registered 2018 painted 2019

  3. #3
    Senior Member PNWTim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Williamson View Post
    side windows help reduce the heat so the AC can cool the car and keep some rain out. If you leave the car it does provide some security, most don't know how to open the doors. I did a 6 day trip this year and had no issue with the car parked over night in hotel parking lots
    David W
    Thanks David. Funny, I didn't even think about the "keeping the cold air in" aspect, great point. I did order A/C with my car so that alone probably makes sense. I placed my kit order yesterday and went ahead and ordered them so in for a penny, in for a pound as they say.

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