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Thread: Cruising The Mississippi Gulf Coast 2024 / Total Car Count #9,961

  1. #1

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Cruising The Mississippi Gulf Coast 2024 / Total Car Count #9,961

    If you have never been, you don't know what you've been missing.

    Sorry for the delayed posting for this year's schedule:

    Check out these tidbits from last year's event:

    Last year we had over 10,000 registered cars plus quite a few more.
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-15-2024 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #2
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    Can't wait to get there!

  3. #3

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    If you see us, we'll be in the Redbone Roadster!

    This is the first year I'll be attending every day because I'm retiring on the final day of the event.
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-03-2024 at 02:01 PM.

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  5. #4
    Senior Member BRRT's Avatar
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    Looks like a blast! If a person could only go a couple days which are the best?

    Congratulations on retiring!

    Roadster delivered 8/27/23
    Chevrolet Performance LS3
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  6. #5

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRRT View Post
    Looks like a blast! If a person could only go a couple days which are the best?

    Congratulations on retiring!
    The best three days are Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
    Bands are playing in every city on the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast.
    Check out the schedule and plan accordingly.

  7. #6

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    I just woke up because I never sleep much and our Great Horned Happy Owl Pal is hooting the night away like he always does. When he sits on the roof he sounds like he's sitting in my living room.

    Anyway, I've done six (6) days at Cruising The Coast and it has been fun. I've logged over 600 miles on Redbone this week and seen thousands of cars. I don't know what the final count will be but they had over 8,000 cars pre-registered so I'm sure they'll break last years record very easily. My wife tallied tags on cars from states all over the place on the days she went with me.

    I'm contemplating going again today for the final day.

    Time To Make A Pot-O-Coffee & Enjoy The Hooting!
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-12-2024 at 02:44 PM.

  8. #7

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Here is a video that someone recently posted to show you just more than a few of the cars at Cruise Centeral.
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-12-2024 at 03:36 AM.

  9. #8
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Wait Steve…What?…I’m just now catching up but, retiring? That’s some big news! We gotta’ talk soon


  10. #9

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Mrs. Go-Dad and I went over to Gulfport Mississippi to see what we could see. To say the least it was over the top since the entire downtown area was closed off for cruisers. Thousands of cars were there so there was no way to see them all. We took our 2022 GT Challenger and parked on the outskirts.

    My pal Phil and I went over to Cruise Central in the Cobra. We had lunch in Biloxi and then headed over to Ocean Springs before traveling back home. We logged a little over 150 miles on the Little Red Roadster. This was the first time my pal ever attended this event and he loved it. We are told that over 8,000 cars preregistered so I'm sure they'll beat last year's record of 10,070 cars.

    This day started out running late. My pal Matt (Mr. Fire Chicken) lost his car keys. He was staying at a friend's home in Bay St. Louis so I headed West to Mandeville to grab his spare set. After that Mrs. Go-Dad and I headed East, in the Cobra, to join the festivities and to pick up my registration packet. We met our Pal's Mike and Heather at Cruise Central and had a late lunch near Biloxi. The cars were plentiful and I even saw a few Factory-5's today.

    My brother B-Nard and I attended the Block Party in Waveland and then headed over to Cruise Central. We took "Moby" his Pearl White 2500 Mega Cab Ram 4 WD Truck since my brother is not in the best of health after getting run over by an old lady last year. He was previously able to fit his 6'4" tall body in the Cobra but he isn't comfortable in the passenger seat. Tomorrow the Cobra will be out and about someplace but we don't know where as of this evening.

    My wife and I were busy as can be today and put another 150 miles on the Cobra. We hit the day early and headed for D'Iberville, then we went to Ocean Springs, after that we went to Edgewater Mall and finally to Pass Christian. Though we only took the Cobra for three days, we logged 450 miles. All the venues were great and every venue was packed with lots and lots of cars to see. Tomorrow we hope to have breakfast in the Long Beach Yacht Club and we'll figure out our day over Eggs Benedict.

    We started out the day, my wife and I, with another drive over to Mississippi and yes we did eat a the LBYC. We lucked out and got their just in time for the place to be invaded by a bunch of VW Cruisers. It was great to see all of those air cooled machines. We then headed to Pass Christian and hung out there for a while before making our way down the beach road to Biloxi where we ate lunch with our Legal Eagle Oldest Daughter (Meg) who was attending a continuing education class. After that we headed to Pascagoula so we traversed the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast. The ride home got a bit rough because we headed back on the beach road on U.S. 90 and got jammed up in traffic between Biloxi and Gulfport playing the clutch and go game.

    Yep, we went back for the final day to Bay St. Louis. We were lucky enough to not get jammed in traffic and were able to park in the Marina behind the Blind Tiger. Cars were plentiful as were the people. After a few hours we went back to "The Pass" and hung out for a while and then finally home. We logged over 700 miles on The Redbone Roadster over the past week and had a blast doing it.

    This Event Should Be On Every Car Enthusiasts Bucket List!
    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-13-2024 at 09:14 AM.

  11. #10

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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    Well Gang They Didn't Beat Last Year's Record Which Was 10,070!

    They Did Come Darn Close With 9,961 Cars Registered For 2024!

    Last edited by GoDadGo; 10-15-2024 at 09:26 PM.

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