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Thread: Installing Lift - Need measurements of truck on lift if possible

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Installing Lift - Need measurements of truck on lift if possible

    I am installing a two post lift for my build and need to determine where to position it in the garage. I have a two wide two deep garage and vehicles will be parked in the front half. I would like the lift positioned so there is 2' between the pickup and the back wall. It will be backed in to the lift. I understand the pickup to be 168" long. Curious how many inches it hangs off the front of a two post and how far off the back. Any help would be appreciated. Ross

  2. #2
    Senior Member mkassab's Avatar
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    Ross.... my '35 truck is still surrounded by boxes with my recent move.... But, I have a suggestion for your lift install. Do Not place the lift based on just this '35 truck so the lift can be used for other vehicles. I'd suggest you place lift base on a mid sized SUV or a full size sedan. The FFR truck dimensions are available on their web site. The "35 truck will be pretty much centered on your lift.

    '35 Truck
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    Brevard, NC

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