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Thread: Cruise the Parade in Blacksburg SC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    York, SC
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    Cruise the Parade in Blacksburg SC

    Hi Guys, Sat the 14th of Dec. is the Christmas Parade in Blacksburg SC. We are going to have anyone interested in driving in the parade meet up at 9:30 that morning, weather permitting. Right now Im the only Cobra but we have other cars that are coming. Let me know and Ill get you more details. Im new to that area and am trying to get a cars and coffee going. Also I live on Shelby Street in the down town area. This spring we are going to try and start a Shelby's on Shelby on the weekends at some of the businesses there and would love for it to become a Cobra hangout. Excellent BBQ at "Iron City BBQ" on Shelby Street. For now the Christmas parade. I hope to see some of you there.
    Thanks, Mike

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    York, SC
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    Be there at 9 am in the Str8 Performance Automotive parking lot if you're interested. 204 W Cherokee St Blacksburg, SC, 29702. Its going to be a good day. Will have coffee and you can cruise the parade with Santa. Mike, 803-417-3191

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    York, SC
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    Hi Guys,
    Just An update. Our 1st Cars and Coffee in Blacksburg was small but a great time. We only had 8 cars show up on this cold morning but they were all very nice. All were in the parade and much fun was had by the few. I was the only Cobra and had fun with the town folk on the route. I heard several times " "Look honey a Race Car". We are going to start, as I said, having more of these cars and coffee events in the down town area of Blacksburg S.C. and look forward to seeing more Cobra's there. I hope for this to evolve into a Cobra meet up as we grow this spring. Thanks for the look and Ill be in touch. Mike

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