The following MK4 FFR kit parts are for sale or free. Some parts have prices, some are "make offer" some are free. All will require shipping costs.
Uncut/undrilled fire wall......................$20
FFR undrilled hood scoop..................$50
Brake line clips 4 ea.............$10
F5 over flow tank w/ mounts.....................$50
Upper radiator filler hose.................$10
Battery hold down................$10
Throtle cable kit.................$25
Set of 4 quick jacks..................$25
Body attach brackets, to turn signal mounts...............$10
Drivers side roll bar, un-chromed.................$75
Uncut, undrilled tunnel cover................$20
Prices quoted are negotiable. Some stuff I can use for future non-FFR builds or use as stock. But if you need them for your builds make an offer. I'll most likely accept it.
There will be an additional cost for shipping from 97119. PM me and we'll figure out shipping costs.
Happy trails