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Thread: Remote Mount Power Brake Booster

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    St. Charles, MO
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    Remote Mount Power Brake Booster

    Has anyone heard any more about whether the remote mount Master Powers power brake booster has been installed and is a viable option on the Mark 5?

    I am 100% considering it for my Gen 3 Coupe.

    Is anyone familiar with it? If so, what do you know about it?

    Thanks, Steve

  2. #2
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Absolutely it’s a viable Mk5 option. Although I’m awaiting delivery of it for my own Mk5 beta build Ingavecseen it installed on the prototype as well as another beta and it would work for a Coupe as well. Actually the Coupe is probably more “space friendly” due to the forward leaning radiator.


  3. #3
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    Good to hear Jeff, where did it get mounted?

  4. #4
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Behind the radiator, above the battery.


  5. #5
    Member Jim Stabe's Avatar
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    I had considered the same dual booster that you linked to for my project (a widened MGB not a Cobra kit) because I had a wilwood dual master pedal setup with a balance bar and needed separate boosters for each circuit. I considered putting it in the trunk but there were a couple issues putting it there. I didn't want to lose that space in the trunk and the plumbing routing would have been a lot longer. The front brake hydraulic lines would have to go from the master to the trunk and then back again to the front brakes. The vacuum line would have also been longer than I wanted. Besides the plumbing issues the cost of the unit was $400 plus the shipping from the UK. If I ever had a problem with the unit the car would be down for an extended period and I would have to pay shipping both ways.

    I finally discovered a single circuit vacuum booster that was only 7" in diameter and was available from a distributor in California on EBay. These were OEM on a couple of vehicles in Australia and have proved to be very reliable. I could buy two of them for $230 (for both) and free shipping. I ended up mounting them under the headlight in front of the tire on each side and it has worked out really well.

    Drivers side booster installed (1).JPG VH 44 Brake booster.JPG

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