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Thread: Spec for IRS Rear Flexible Brake Hoses - Type 65 Coupe

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Spec for IRS Rear Flexible Brake Hoses - Type 65 Coupe

    Seems that the IRS rear flexible brake hoses are missing from my kit. In fact they're not even listed in the packing manifest so it looks likely they were never shipped. As it's more than a year since delivery (and as I'm in the UK) it's probably simpler if I just go buy some rather than chasing the factory.

    Only problem is, I don't know the spec for what I need to get - hose ID, length, fittings on each end etc. Are they the same or different to the 20" front flexible hoses (which I do have)?

    If anyone can help with this info I'd be very grateful.

  2. #2

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    They are identical to the front. Same size, length and fitting on the frame are the same.
    If you didn't order brakes from FFR then you don't get them. Same with the parking brake cables.
    Last edited by michael everson; 02-11-2025 at 05:00 PM.

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  4. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Mike - much appreciated I ordered the complete kit including all brakes from FFR, so I think the factory should have supplied them, but being one of a small number of RHD cars, there have been a few issues with parts and inventory.

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