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Thread: Brandon's 818R Build

  1. #401
    Senior Member Dave 53's Avatar
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    If you can make it up to Buttonwillow and tracks north, let me know. Slight change of being at Buttonwillow Classic March 1/2. Very good chance of being at Laguna 92 decibel March 15/16. Will require my Laguna pipe.

    I've been to Willow Springs Big and Streets, but I'm hesitant to go again because it's a long tow home to NorCal if I break down. Streets was my first track with the car and it didn't take long to figure out I needed a surge tank.
    Chuckwalla is just too far away, but I hope to make it there some day.

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  3. #402
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    Finally closed off the gap in the front to complete the flat bottom. Next will be the rear diffuser. I want to try and create a fiberglass one. I have an appointment set to get the car properly aligned and corner balanced in two weeks. I found a small tear (3-4mm) in my right rear CV boot. I am going to see if I can patch it because I really don’t want to tear that right rear corner apart.

    IMG_1389.jpg IMG_1390.jpg

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