Howdy Folks!
I’m looking for a front bumper hoop for a Mk3. Not sure if there’s a difference from one version to the next.
Unfortunately the one that came with my kit has a big dent right in the front.
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Howdy Folks!
I’m looking for a front bumper hoop for a Mk3. Not sure if there’s a difference from one version to the next.
Unfortunately the one that came with my kit has a big dent right in the front.
Build 1: Type 65 Coupe
- Album: Coupe Album
- Delivered: February 24, 2022, Legal: April 20, 2024, Complete: TBD
Build 2: Mk3 Roadster (Acquired as a partially started build)
- Build Thread: TTimmy’s MK3 Basket Case Build Thread - Album: Mk3 Album
- Originally Delivered: 2004, Acquired by me: August 2024