This is a special section of The Factory Five Forum. The Factory Five community has been built by all of us and is famous for the friendships that have formed around our shared passion for performance cars. Perhaps it's a simple sign of getting older, that you realize how short life is, and the most pointed reminder of that are those terrible phone calls we've gotten learning that a good friend has passed away.

What we do with the time that we're given is immensely important. The people we miss the most are those who gave the most of themselves to us as friends. In more than 15 years of running Factory Five, I have been fortunate to have met some exceptional people. Dan Lawson comes to mind as does Dick Smith, Roger Stine, Paul Mastroinni, Robert Feddersen, and our own Bill "Doc" Holiday. We are all richer for having known friends as these and the community that we belong to has been defined by their presence.

Dave Smith