Quote Originally Posted by edwardb View Post
Post #339 on page 9 describes and pictures how I attached the transmission tunnel cover. Don't know why you couldn't find it. Direct link: https://thefactoryfiveforum.com/show...l=1#post244996.

The post shows the three attachment points. One slips into existing sheet metal. The other two have bolts that are accessible from the bottom. I wanted the attachment hidden but still solid. All good and (so far...) haven't had to remove it now in its fourth driving season. I think there's value in having the cover removable. Plus I wanted the leather covering (vs. standard carpet) so it's natural to have it as a separate piece. You'll have to decide whether the hidden attachment method is worth it. Definately some extra work for maybe minimal payback. Many just put screws along the sides. Doesn't take many. It's what I ended up doing on my Coupe build. Used black chrome screws which kind of blend in with the black covering.
Perfect, I must have missed it :-) thanks again mate. I am also doing a leather covering, and was pondering ways to attach. You method looks quite straight forward and I will definitely re-use that.