Hey All, I've got a few questions. So, Ive been saving my beer money for about 8-9 years now and am finally close to pulling the trigger on a complete kit! WooHoo! You'd think in all those years of dreaming about this I'd have it all worked out to the last detail, but I guess waiting until the last minute is my style. Here's my list so far, but seriously it's really all open for discussion at this point.

How I'm going to use the car seems to influence a lot of the decisions I guess, aside from budget that is. Ok, so I think that I want to track day the car occasionally and maybe auto cross it also. I've never done those things...because Ive never had a car that I could do them in. I also want to cruise the car around town, I actually want to drive it as much as possible, I might even drive it in the rain someday when I can save up enough $$ for the soft top. I'll cross that bridge when I get there though. Basically I want an all around car, I'm not looking for a purpose built track car but performance is an aspect of the build. Spending good money on good parts up front isn't out of the question, it just can't get out of hand either. I think that my motor and trans will be rebuilt ones so I will get a little savings there.

Complete Kit
351w (mild build/hp about 300hp to the wheels)
Clutch: looking for input? I don't know the difference of Hydraulic vs. other?
Power steering
Power brakes
Big Brakes? looking for input?
heated seats. Has anybody done cooled seats yet?
window wipers ( I live in the PacNW)
18'' wheels
Glove box
Wing windows? Do they help?
Paint of some sort

What else am I forgetting? tons of stuff I'm sure, but I thought I'd throw that out there for starters.